We help foreign companies locate, buy and ship their goods from anywhere in the world, to their country of origin

  • As a Buying Office, we handle 100% of the import process for our clients overseas, from the original order to the final delivery at their door in their country of origin.Since 1989 we have developed an extensive network of suppliers and factories we can trust worldwide, in many categories, and we have excellent sourcing & research capabilities. Just tell us what you are looking for and we’ll find it and ship it for you.
  • For the small foreign retail operations who want to import new products, we also offer assistance with negotiating and setting up new wholesale accounts with international thought-after brands in the US and Europe, through our status of established Buying Agent.
  • In details, we work with your current suppliers here and/or worldwide or we help you find and get you set up with new ones. We follow up your whole order production process, send payment, supervise the packing & shipping, we check the goods prior to shipping if needed, work in coordination with your freight forwarder and Customs broker in your country and make sure the export documents are issued correctly and in accordance with regulations to insure a smooth shipment right to your door.